Saving Private Ryan: The Case Of The Black Boots
We don’t know about you but there wasn’t a dry eye in the room when we watched this epic war and action film, which has been regarded as one of the greatest war films ever made. In spite of this, there were still a few mishaps making the scenes seem real, like the black boots that Matt Damon is seen wearing in the film, especially during the final battle. You see, black boots were only introduced in the 1950s and they were worn by the airborne.

Saving Private Ryan
Catch Me If You Can: Braces Didn’t Exist Yet
Tom Hanks, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Amy Adams starred in this fun film which takes place in the 1960s and follows a fraud artist and an ambitious swindler through the years of his shenanigans. It made its way onto our list because of the fact that Amy wears braces which were only introduced in the ‘70s, a bit later than the movie’s setting.

Catch Me If You Can