Pierce Brosnan Has Not Had The Easiest Life

Published on 11/03/2021

A Surprising Introduction

Despite reuniting with his mother at the age of 11, Brosnan had never seen his father since his abrupt initial departure. One day, his father turned up out of the blue on the set of Remington Steele! Brosnan had an idea of what his father may have been like, but boy was he wrong. Pierce envisioned a large man, a go-getter, a confident man. In reality, Brosnan’s father was “a man of medium stature, pushed-back silver hair, flinty eyes, and a twizzled jaw.” He was happy to finally meet his father but didn’t like the manner in which it occurred. Despite certainly having the right to be angry with his father, he forgave him. How could he so easily though?

A Surprising Introduction

A Surprising Introduction


Family Comes First

Luckily for Brosnan’s father, it was actually the influence of step-father, William Carmichael that allowed Pierce to be so forgiving. Carmichael stepped up to the role of step-father and treated Pierce as if he was his own son. This also gives an indication into why Pierce is such a good father to Cassandra’s children too. For Pierce, Carmichael was family. When his step-father became ill, Brosnan spent a lot of time by his side, supporting him. Of Carmichael, Brosnan said, “[he is] someone I look up to. He is a hero of sorts.”

Family Comes First

Family Comes First