Pierce Brosnan Has Not Had The Easiest Life

Published on 11/03/2021

A Strange Clause

Bond was known for being a classy man, drinking martinis shaken not stirred. So is it that surprising that they inserted a tuxedo clause into his contract? That’s right! It was forbidden for Brosnan to wear a tuxedo in other movies. Brosnan was going to be Bond for a while, so they couldn’t have him screwing up the image of Brosnan-tuxedo-Bond, by wearing them in other movies.

A Strange Clause

A Strange Clause


New Love

It isn’t surprising that after Brosnan’s wife’s passing, he thought that he would never be able to love again. With this in mind, he put all of his energy into family and career. Sometimes the stars align and everything falls exactly into place. This happened for Brosnan in 1994 when he stumbled across a career-altering role, and love, all at once. He met Keely Shaye Smith, an American journalist who Brosnan called his “North Star”. The couple began dating soon after meeting and Smith was credited with helping Brosnan find peace following the passing of Cassandra. She made him very happy and the pair had two children together. This is only the start of an amazing love story for the pair, also.

New Love

New Love