Everyday Household Items You Can Use In Brand-New Ways

Published on 11/25/2020

Random Jean Buttons

Jeans are great, but what are all those extra buttons for? Mind you, the rivets are actually super important. They might seem randomly placed, but they are added to strategic places to avoid wearing out the seams. Levi Strauss patented this idea after hearing miners complain about this issue in 1829.

Random Jean Buttons

Random Jean Buttons


Extra Fabric With New Clothes

Do you know what you are supposed to do with that extra bag of fabric when you buy new clothes? They are not meant to patch up tears. No, they serve as your trial piece for the washing machine. This way, you can avoid shrinking or bleeding your new shirt. It will let you figure out the best wash setting!

Extra Fabric With New Clothes

Extra Fabric With New Clothes