The Most Dangerous Species On The Planet That Health Insurance Likely Doesn’t Cover

Published on 09/18/2017

Unfortunately, A Parasite

All areas of tropical Africa is where you’ll find the Tse Tse. Don’t assume that it’s a fly though, it’s actually a parasite – one that needs the blood of vertebrate to live. By vertebrate, we do mean humans, buffaloes, or whatever. Guess we should also mention that they’re responsible for many aliments and diseases that can harm animals and humans alike, like sleeping sickness. #nothanks




Stone Cold Steve Austin

Meet the Stonefish, the most venomous fish on Earth. And we’re not joking either. Stonefish give off their own special neurotoxin, however luckily there is an anti-venom. Found around the coastal waters of the Indo-Pacific Oceans, be careful though, their rock-ish exterior is the perfect camouflage.

Stone Fish

Stone Fish