Watch Out
If you find yourself in the Middle East and Africa, or even in the desert and scrubland habitats, then you’ll come across the Deathstalker Scorpion. Rarely is this species dangerous to adults, we should warn you that a bite alone possesses enough venom to endanger children and the elderly. Loaded with neurotoxins, the poison sends victims into anaphylactic shock; on the bright side (if there is one) if the anti-venom is administered in time, then the odds of survival improve drastically.

Deathstalker Scorpion
Seven Plus One
Fun fact: the Giant Pacific Octopus have been around more than any other octopus species. Plus they weigh about 600 pounds and are menacing predators, yay. Also, they have sucker-covered legs in order to catch prey, which they then use to feed into its huge mouth that has a radula, or a ‘toothed-tongue’. Yup, just let that sink in. Afterwards you can call your health insurance to see if bites from a massive octopus are covered. Good luck!

Seven Plus One