Seeing Red
Ready for it? Whether you call it the Bull Shark, or Zambezi shark, there a few things that are just known. For instance, it has a stocky shape, a flat nose, and has a seriously aggressive, unpredictable behavior. Yeah, maybe we didn’t need to know that. But in any case, let’s move on. The bull shark lives in fresh and salt water, plus it can travel up rivers. On top of it all, this specific shark right here is actually responsible for a vast majority of near-shore shark attacks.

Bull Shark
They’rrrreeeee *not* Great
Tony the Tiger may be the only nice “tiger” on the planet, whether that’s a good thing is up to you. Mainly you’ll find the Tiger Snake in southern regions of Australia, so beware at all times, folks. Additionally, it has a venom filled with neurotoxins, coagulants, haemolysins, and myotoxins. We won’t go into detail about what all of that means, we will however say, it’s not good whatsoever. Don’t even think about leaving bites untreated as the mortality rate is about 40-60%.

Tiger Snake