From spiders to alligators to snakes, the most dangerous species on Mother Earth are not to be messed with. If only for the reason that when they strike, the aftermath is customarily calamitous. And for this reason alone, we gathered a list to reveal the world’s most dangerous species that you should bypass at all costs – most likely the consequences (like bites or stings) are not included on your health insurance.
Swiper No Swiping
Dry habitats such as Africa and India is where you’ll find the terrifying Saw-Scaled Viper – the kind of viper that likes to hunt in the night. Oh right, this viper also has a bite so poisonous that it can cause blood disorders and even hemorrhaging in the brain. As if that wasn’t scary enough – every year the Saw-Scaled Viper kills more people than any other snake in the world.

Saw Scaled Snake
Literally A Floating Terror
First of all, the Portuguese Man of War looks dazzling, there’s no question about it. However when it’s referred to as a ‘floating terror’, it loses its cuteness appeal. Moreover it isn’t a jellyfish, it’s a siphonophore from the marine animal family of phylum Cnidaria. Which pretty much means that when stung, it leaves behind massive welts that resemble whip-like marks. Additionally, the pain from a single sting causes the most excruciating pain – keep your eyes peeled when in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.

Portuguese Man Of War