You will never hear us argue against the idea of unique flavors for potato chips. In fact, when big companies experiment with their brand by bringing out new flavors almost everyone wins. However, around the world things can get pretty out of hand when it comes to coming up with unique flavors. Some flavors are home runs and others are just astounding to the point that we question their existence. We decided to pull together a list of the 12 most bizarre and unique potato chip flavors from all around the world.
Herr’s Kansas City Prime Steak
Listen, we love the flavor of a well cooked and juicy steak as much as anyone, but Herr’s is pushing the limit with this brand of potato chip. Only a few years ago Herr’s introduced the Kansas City Prime Steak flavored chip to the world and taste buds everywhere have seemingly been changed forever. Herr’s sells the chip as a ‘bold flavor’ that gives you the ‘thick and juicy steak’ you always want when you are going out to eat. However, we’ve heard nothing but bad things — apparently the only bold flavor you are getting is one that has a ton of garlic in it. Can we all agree to just let meat be meat and chips be chips? We don’t have to combine the two, we are not trying to impress anyone.

Herr’s Kansas City Prime Steak
Lays Grilled Cheese and Ketchup
There are many different kinds of potato chips that we are 100% alright with trying out and this flavor is definitely not one of them. First of all we aren’t sure that Grilled Cheese and Ketchup is even a real thing, is it? Second of all the idea of faked ketchup flavoring makes us want to gag in our mouths a little bit. This is what you get if you let fans vote on flavors, though.

Lays Grilled Cheese and Ketchup
Tako Octopus Flavored Potato Chips
Japan really gets a sort of stereotyped reputation as one of the zanier places in the world. In truth, Japan is largely full of business oriented individuals who would rather not make a scene. There are outspoken sects of Japan that more than make up for the rest of the conservative country, and this is especially true in the food area. Tako Chips, a Japanese company, developed their own octopus flavored variety. Octopus is part of the menu in Japan so it makes sense that they’d want to incorporate it in the snack world. We’ll pass on the salty, smelly, fish tasting chips though. Not our style at all.

Tako Octopus Flavored Potato Chips
Walkers English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding
You have to be a particular kind of person to enjoy real English food and this likely extends to their gimmick oriented potato chips. Walkers, a local chip producing company, got excited enough for the 2010 FIFA World Cup that they developed a unique chip for a limited run. The chip that Walkers decided to make was the English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding flavor. We are absolutely, completely, positive that this chip would never leave the shelves in the United States. However, we all know soccer fans are crazy so it wouldn’t surprise us to know that this was really popular back then. Unfortunately we’ll never really get a chance to try it, due to its limited run these chips are already all gone.

Walkers English Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding
Lays Red Caviar
You won’t find this variety of potato chips in your local supermarket, well at least if you aren’t in Russia. Lays, a popular potato chip company around the world, decided to extend their brand in Russia with their very own red caviar flavor. We love caviar and we love potato chips but color us reluctant on this one. Our weight loss plan doesn’t involve scarfing down caviar dusted chips anytime soon. We are sure that these chips can appeal to some people and you can find your own bag with some careful searching on the internet. Surprise a buddy and see what they think!

Lays Red Caviar
Seaweed Pringles
It’s pretty interesting how diets can change as you travel across different borders. Throughout coastal Asia you will find that seaweed is a perfect meal addition in a variety of different ways. Pringles decided to get in on the action by developing their own brand of seaweed flavored Pringles for their Asian market. As seaweed is already salty the development of the chip probably wasn’t that difficult. These Pringles are bright green and taste almost exactly like you’d expect them to taste: light in flavor outside of salt and altogether not offensive. As far as odd foreign chips go, we might actually be able to get this one down.

Seaweed Pringles
Walkers Cajun Squirrel
This British company makes its way back onto our list thanks to probably the most improbably flavor we have run into: Cajun Squirrel. We don’t particularly want to taste squirrel and we definitely wouldn’t want to taste a spicy Cajun take on the little rodent, but here we are anyway. The Cajun Squirrel flavor was a finalist in Walkers’ “Do Us A Favor” fan campaign, where customers got to vote on the next flavor. Leave it to a group of people to pick something so borderline appalling. Still, if you have ever been interested in what the taste of flavor modified squirrel then this might be your best chance to get it out of your system. For now we’ll pass.

Walkers Cajun Squirrel
Bohemia Mushroom Flavored Chips
Apparently the Czechs really, really, really enjoy the flavor of mushrooms. We can’t blame them, though, well cooked mushrooms are as delicious as they are nutritious. Still, we wouldn’t be in a hurry to push for mushroom flavored chips. Yet that is exactly what a Czech company by the name of Bohemia ended up doing. They look like Pringles and taste somewhat like mushrooms, apparently. These salty treats won’t give you the same nutrition that real mushrooms will but they might just satisfy that craving all the same. You can purchase these chips online from foreign trading websites.

Bohemia Mushroom Flavored Chips
California Kettles Spicy Bloody Mary
You might be a problem drinker if you need to have Bloody Mary flavored potato chips in between your actual Bloody Mary’s. California Kettle developed their own kettle cooked potato chip to taste just like a spicy Bloody Mary. The result was a salty, spicy, and confusing mess of a snack. Nothing about an actual Bloody Mary makes us inclined to believe that this chip comes off anything like the real thing. We suppose that everyone gets points for trying, right?

California Kettles Spicy Bloody Mary
Sherer’s Rippled Home Run Hot Dog
Shearer’s is a little known potato chip manufacturing company that has worked pretty tirelessly to get a flavor out that makes us gag while simultaneously have our stomach growl. A nicely grilled hot dog and a side of rippled, crunchy potato chips makes a lot of sense when you are at a BBQ. Combining the flavors of the two, however, leaves us a little baffled. According to Shearer’s this potato chip blends the salty flavor of your favorite crispy snacks with the sweet finish of mustard and relish topped beef hot dogs. According to the label no hot dogs were used in the process, however, and ‘natural flavoring’ is all we have to go by.

Sherer’s Rippled Home Run Hot Dog
Lays Crab Potato Chips
I don’t know if it is the American in me, but I can’t understand how so many people want to mix seafood with potato chips. In the Ukraine and Russia you can hit up your local supermarket to find your way to a bag of Lays Crab flavored potato chips. Eating disorders are nothing to take lightly, and eating disorder treatment is certainly important, but we feel like this flavor would turn us off of chips for good. Listen, we love hot and steaming crab dipped in some butter, but there is no way you’d convince us to try out these chips. Apparently the flavor sells well enough in Russia though, as there has been no outcry to have the flavor rescinded.

Lays Crab Potato Chips
Pringles Milky Shoyu Butter
We are closing out our list with an American company that took a completely odd twist overseas in Japan. Pringles has been known to try a ton of different flavors but their Japanese brand takes the cake: Milky Shoyu Butter. Nothing about the phrase ‘milky butter’ makes us feel inclined to grab for a handful of chips. For those not in the know, Shoyu is a type of Japanese soy sauce. So essentially these chips are milky, buttery, and salty with soy flavoring. We just gagged in the back of our throat a little bit. we can’t judge, not really, because they same to be doing well in Japan. This is one ‘tasty treat’ we have no problem leaving on the other side of the ocean, enjoy it!

Pringles Milky Shoyu Butter