Imagine all the things you could accomplish in one day with solid, razor-sharp focus, concentration and memory, oh and super quick too. Maybe an extra boost of brain power would give you energy, enabling you to perform more efficiently at work. Or perhaps improved mental stamina will get you to finish those tedious side projects you’ve been procrastinating. Sharper memory, more energy, and longer ability to focus — a dream that’s about to become real. Let’s look at some of the top foods for improving brain function.
Salmon (yum!) is one of the most nutritious and delicious brain foods in the world. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon helps keep your brain sharp and improves both your memory (awesome!) and your focus (double awesome!). Ya, I know what I’m having for dinner.

This fruit, yes avocados are a fruit, is hands down one of the healthiest and most beneficial foods you can eat. Sure avocados have a high fat content but who said it was bad fat? Avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats which can help lower blood cholesterol levels. Moreover, eating an avocado can give you radiant and soft looking skin – nice. Oh and just one more thing, consuming an avocado can improve cognitive functionalities like memory and concentration, thanks to vitamin K and folate. You’re welcome in advance.

Egg Yolks
And everyone’s favorite part of an egg (not), the yolk, has made the list — and there’s a good reason why. Egg yolks break down bethane which is a hormone producing chemical correlated to happiness. So essentially eating an egg yolk will make you happy. Bad mood, shmad mood.

Egg Yolks
Oh what positive benefits these little blue sweet gems have. Don’t let a blueberry’s size fool you. Blueberries have high levels of gallic acid which makes them a very powerful fruit in protecting our brains from degeneration and stress. So when your stomach starts rumbling at 10pm, you know the right food to eat.
